
“I purchased your speed kit approximately one year ago and must say that I am very pleased with the performance. I had the wing straps put on, then needed the aircraft for a few days. I noticed an honest 7 knot increase at 70% cruise. Two weeks later I had the wheel fairings installed and after 500 hours flying over a year time, there is a definite 15 knot increase…The numbers show that it has paid for itself in one year.”

Tom Hagan, Piper Lance

“I installed the Laminar Flow Kit six months ago. There were no problems. I could not believe the difference. My Arrow IV was relatively the same as others, and performed as you would expect… slightly less well than the advertisements lead you to believe. I live in Brazil, and do many long distance flights, at altitudes in the teens. I am a professional photographer, so I will include some shots. My performance improvements are way beyond anything I expected. They are much better than Robin Thomas told me they would be, and I can’t understand that. I guess he’s a very modest man.”

Carlos Forster, Piper Arrow IV

“Robin Thomas is not only the most conservative speed mod producer in the business (conservative with his numbers) he is the most honest. It seems like there are many impressive claims made by all the manufacturers but I see no one else other than Robin Thomas who makes a promise that if you’re not satisfied, no questions asked, you get your money back.”

Jim Rhoads, Piper Cherokee 140

“I bought the Laminar Flow Systems kit for my Seneca II 27 years ago. I recently ran across Robin, and he asked me how it was holding up. Twenty-seven years and no problems.
I basically wanted to see if my Seneca could ever make a 200 mph cruise. Now I have been exceeding that target on every flight. The kit has been trouble free… the only way I would know it was there is by the increased performance. I get approximately 200 feet per minute in climb increase and 15 knots in cruise. I know that I could save fuel instead of the extra speed, but I really enjoy the speed. I guess that explains why I have had the same plane for 30 years!”

James Sandriini, Piper Seneca 11

“I want to thank you for sharing with me the experience of the Dulles 400 Efficiency Race. There is no doubt that your kit was responsible for our taking second place in the race. In the past, my Lance has flown just like a Lance, heavy on the controls. Now it is considerably more responsive, more like a Piper Arrow, instead of a Lance. This alone was worth the price of the kit. ”

Christoper Frame, Piper Lance

“I installed the full Laminar Flow Systems kit on my Arrow II. The performance change has been incredible. Before I did the mods, I used to cruise at 130 knots, burning 11 gallons per hour. Now I regularly flight plan for 153 knots at 10.5 GPH. I can’t begin to explain how different the plane feels.”

John Ferraro, PA 28 200

“The biggest event to date was the installation of complete Laminar Flow Systems speed mod kit…My very best indicated airspeed had previously been 123 mph with the GPS confirming 105-107 knots ground speed in little or no wind conditions at 2475 RPM. My first flight after installing the Laminar Flow Systems was in cold temperatures here in St. Louis. I climbed to pattern altitude at 950 FPM, leveled off to cruise climb around 123 MPH and before I was ready to throttle back to cruise, I realized I had “busted” the 200 feet safety margin I use to stay below the class B ceiling of 1700’…I leveled off and watched in amazement as the airspeed needled swiftly climbed to tailwind…On a recent trip my groundspeed was 168 MPH with an IAS 138…On my third flight after the modifications, I put in 10 degrees of flaps at 60 MPH in preparation for liftoff during a direct crosswind of approximately 9 knots gusting to 14. My wife and I were in the front seat with nearly full fuel. The mains immediately lifted off and we were wheel barrowing sideways due to the crosswind. I laughed as I was yanking back on the yoke to get it off the ground and flying. It had never lifted off that easily before…I am now climbing faster with a solid feel to the controls and the ride.”

David Jackson, Piper Cherokee